Be the Church’s Voice on College Campuses


2024 Fall Office Hours

Revitalize Your Ministry and Yourself

Once a month Thursdays, 1 PM PST //4 PM EST, Aug. - Dec.

Guilherme Lopes, Director of Campus Ministry at Neumann University

Join us for an enriching series focused on self-care for you! We all know that campus ministry is a demanding ministry. In a small way, we look forward to taking care of you through this series. This series will take place on select Thursdays, featuring expert speakers and engaging topics designed to support your personal and professional well-being. Each session will address a crucial aspect of life as a campus minister.


($30 for all sessions for non-CCMA members)


Updated Submission Guidelines for CALLED25 White Papers

To encourage broader participation and collect more white papers, we are revising the submission process for CALLED25. The new guidelines are as follows:

  1. Abstract Submission: Please submit a 300-word abstract of your proposed topic by Friday, September 27th via this form.

  2. Notification of Acceptance: Authors of selected abstracts will be notified by November 11th.

  3. Full Paper Submission: If your abstract is selected, you are expected to submit a full white paper (2,000–2,500 words) by Friday, February 28th. If full white papers are not submitted by Friday, February 28th, participants will forfeit their invitation to speak at CALLED25.

Address questions to

This information can also be found on this google doc.


What You Get When You Join CCMA

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Catholic Inspiration

Go deeper in your relationship with the Lord and be inspired to carry out the Church’s mission within higher education.

Time-Saving Tools

Professionals need resources at a moment’s notice. Our toolbox will keep you well-equipped.

A Motivated Community

Support and prayerful encouragement when you need it. Over 600 members across 350 campuses.

experts in the field

One bit of practical advice from someone who has been in your shoes is worth its weight in gold.


How is CCMA Different?

Great question!

  1. Our Integrated Ministry Models

We don’t just support the chaplain but the entire ministry staff. There’s something for everyone when you join CCMA. If you’re a professional within campus ministry, we’ve got you covered.

2. Our personal and caring community

When you attend CCMA events, you feel the care of a professional network. Instead of awkward networking events, you’ll form friendships that will last for a lifetime.



3. Our access to thought-leaders

We regularly invite thought leaders to our programs and events. Whether it’s Sr. Josephine Garrett, CSFN talking about mental health, Dr. Jean Twenge explaining the dynamics of iGen or Fr. Josh Johnson reminding us to pray, we enjoy access to experts who help us get even better at campus ministry.


4. Our friendly and responsive team.

Our team loves campus ministry and prays regularly for our members and their needs. We actually like helping people.


5. Our humor and lightheartedness.

Don’t let the words professional and association lull you to sleep. CCMA members can be caught laughing often because they love what they do.
