Just one thing left to do...
Now that you've been a guest on the CCMA Leadership Podcast, we encourage you to help us promote the cast by doing the following:
Send out a tweet with a link to the podcast. To the right are some samples.
- Post a link to the podcast on your Facebook timeline.
- Send an email to your campus ministry students, encouraging them to listen to the podcast. After all, you're not a little bit more famous than them.
Don't be bashful about promoting your interview. Benefactors and students love hearing that their program was featured on a national podcast.
Thanks for being part of CCMA and for all that you do for campus ministry!
Mike St. Pierre
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I've been featured on the CCMA Leadership Podcast! You can hear the interview at www.ccmanetwork.org/podcast
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I've been featured on the CCMA Leadership Podcast! It was cool to shine a spotlight on the work I'm doing in campus ministry. You can hear the interview at www.ccmanetwork.org/podcast