Updated Submission Guidelines for CALLED25 WhitePapers

To encourage broader participation and collect more white papers, we are revising the submission process for CALLED25. The new guidelines are as follows:

  1. Abstract Submission: Please submit a 300-word abstract of your proposed topic by Friday, September 27th via this form.

  2. Notification of Acceptance: Authors of selected abstracts will be notified by November 11th.

  3. Full Paper Submission: If your abstract is selected, you are expected to submit a full white paper (2,000–2,500 words) by Friday, February 28th. If full white papers are not submitted by Friday, February 28th, participants will forfeit their invitation to speak at CALLED25.

This adjustment aims to provide a more accessible entry point for those who may be hesitant to submit a full-length paper without assurance of acceptance for the symposium.

CCMA may ask for edits from authors based on the written quality of the final submission, as well as relationship to the theme of the conference.  

We welcome the submission of abstracts and white papers that explore a wide range of topics relevant to Empowered by the Spirit. Please note that while we encourage thoughtful and diverse perspectives, submissions should align with the teachings of the Catholic Church.

Selected white papers will be published as an addendum to Empowered by the Spirit. 

Important Note for Early Submitters: If you have already submitted a full white paper prior to this announcement, rest assured you will not be penalized. We appreciate your submission.

Address questions to admin@ccmanetwork.org.

The CALLED25 Symposium committee will be in contact with all people who submit an abstract no later than November 11th, 2024.

This information can also be found on this google doc.

Click our RSVP link to let us know you are interested in joining us for CALLED25.

Want to sponsor or exhibit?

RSVP above and expect a special early bird rate.