Spring 2025 ACCU/CCMA Collaborative Series
Director Dialogues for Directors of Campus Ministries at Catholic Colleges and Universities

This series is free for members of ACCU/CCMA.

Session 1: Ministering to Student Athletes
Date: February 12th, 2025, 3-4 p.m. ET
Description: Student-athletes are a large part of many Catholic colleges and universities. Campus ministers have a unique opportunity to engage these
students in their faith journeys. Join us as we exchange ministry ideas about making connections with student-athletes and their coaches.

Facilitators: Lauren Schwer (Loyola University Chicago) and Scott McNamee (Marian University, IN).

Lauren Schwer (Loyola University Chicago)

Scott McNamee (Marian University, IN)

Stacia McDermott (Loras College)

Session 2: Mental Health of Ministers
Date: March 12th, 2025, 3-4:30 p.m. ET
Description: The mental---the spiritual and emotional---health of campus ministers can sometimes be overlooked while caring for students. Join us as we discuss methods for staying well and creating teams that prioritize mental health
and maintaining healthy boundaries.
Facilitator: Stacia McDermott (Loras College)

Crystal Sullivan (University of Dayton)

Session 3: Articulating the Value of Campus Ministry in Catholic Higher Education
Date: April 9th, 2025, 3-4 p.m. ET
Description: Sometimes it can be difficult to articulate to stakeholders how campus ministry programming fits into the larger context of the school’s life. In this hour we’ll learn tips and tricks on how to tell the campus ministry story in a compelling light.
Facilitator: Crystal Sullivan (University of Dayton)

Miss the Fall webinar for directors with Josh Packard from the National Catholic Educational Association ? Members can access the replays below.