Resources For a Time of Scandal
The summer of 2018 brought a paintful reminder of the sin within the Church. With a continual focus on the healing and justice needed for victims of clergy sex abuse, we struggle forward. We offer the following resources as one set of pastoral tools- for you and for those you serve. If you have a resource to suggest, please email us at Let us pray for one another.
Chris Stefanik on Staying Catholic
Dan Burke, “why stay Catholic?”
Fr. Mike Schmitz, “leave or lead”.
Bishop Barron, “Q&A”.
Commentary: Why Did This Occur?
Helping Pastorally: What to Say & Do?
Dear Fellow Catholics: the Church Needs You Now More than Ever (Katie Prejean McGrady)
Praying the Sorrowful Mysteries of this Moment (Word on Fire)
Make an Hour of Eucharistic Adoration in Reparation (Daughters of Saint Paul)
The Scandal is the Last Straw: Why Stay in the Catholic Church? (Spiritual Direction)
Why It's Important to Pray for Others By Name (Mike St. Pierre)