“With such immediate access to veteran campus ministers, The Speaker Bureau helps us to engage best practices that we hadn’t even considered.”
“The Speaker Bureau gives campus ministers access to a list of dynamic and diverse presenters to fit any need, along with suggested stipend rates to fit any budget.”
Friar John Bamman, OFM Conv.
Title: Vocation Director
Location: Kentucky
Primary Type of Speaking: Keynotes, Workshops, Retreats
Perfect Joy of St Francis of Assisi
Jonah: The reluctant Prophet
Fears: Fight or Flight?
Contact: jbamman2000@gmail.com
Range of stipend: Pay it forward please
Ms. Dee Bernhardt
Title: Director of Campus Ministry
Location: Indiana
Primary Type of Speaking: Keynotes, Workshops, Retreats
"Authentic Discipleship"
"Spirituality for the 21st Century"
"If You Want to Walk on Water, You've Got to Get Out of Your Boat"
Contact: dee@boilercatholics.org
Range of stipend: TBD
Mr. Jamie Cappetta
Title: President, Caruso Catholic Center at USC
Location: California
Primary Type of Speaking: Workshops
Developing Discipleship Models
Practical advice
Lived experience
Contact: Jamie.cappetta@gmail.com
Range of stipend: TBD
Mr. Jeff Cavins
Title: Author
Location: Minnesota
Primary Type of Speaking: Keynotes, Workshops, Retreats
"Walking Towards Eternity"
"How to Simplify Your Life"
"I'm not Being Fed"
Contact: events@ascensionpress.com
Range of stipend: $4,000
Mrs. Rosie Chinea Shawver
Primary Type of Speaking: Workshops
Title: Executive Director of Catholic Campus Ministry Association (CCMA)
Location: California
Topics (open to other ideas/topics also):
"Evangelization on College Campuses"
"Transitioning College Students from College to Parish Life"
"Cultivating Disciples on Campus"
“Engaging Multicultural Students In Your Ministry”
Contact: admin@ccmanetwork.org
Range of stipend: TBD
Ms. Mary Deeley, M. Div., Ph.D.
Title: Former Pastoral Associate and Director of Christ the Teacher Institute for Sheil Catholic Center at Northwestern University
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Primary Type of Speaking: Keynotes, workshops, retreats
“The Catholic Lens: What We Believe and Why It's Important”
“What the Bible Tells Us About God and Ourselves”
“Evangelization in Multiple Directions”
“Lifecycle of a Campus Minister”
Contact: mkdeeley@gmail.com
Range of Stipend: Depends on the specific request and location; generally travel expenses are to be covered; willing to work with groups as needed
Mr. Gordy DeMarais
Title: Founder & President, Saint Paul's Outreach: "Catholic Faith Alive on Campus"
Location: Minnesota
Primary Type of Speaking: Keynote talks, Workshops, Retreats
"Building Communities of Evangelistic Disciples on Campus"
"The New Evangelization: Context, Content, and Method"
Contact: Loretta Wolfe (loretta.wolfe@spo.org)
Range of stipend: TBD
Mrs. Hilary Draftz
Title: Sr. Director of Quality, Growth, & Innovation for FOCUS
Location: Colorado
Primary Type of Speaking: Keynotes, Workshops
"Making Disciple-Makers"
"The Feminine Genius: The Impact of Women's Leadership in the Church"
"Growth Mindset: How to Help Ourselves and Others Get Better at Almost Anything"
Contact: hilary.draftz@focus.org
Range of stipend: $500-$1,000
Ms. Christine Eberle
Title: Former Director of Campus Ministry, Gwynedd Mercy University
Author of Finding God in Ordinary Time (September 2018, Green Writers Press)
Location: Pennsylvania
Primary Type of Speaking: Keynotes, Workshops
Encountering Jesus: Bringing Women in Scripture to Life with Imaginative Prayer
We're Going to Need a Bigger Boat: Navigating the Waters of Grief
Finding God in Ordinary Time: Four Ways to Pay Attention and Transform Your Spiritual Life
Contact: christine@christine-marie-eberle.com; www.christine-marie-eberle.com
Range of stipend: $250-$500
Ms. Amber Ezeani
Location: Massachusetts
Primary Type of Speaking: Keynotes, Workshops
"Helping Students Transition into Parish Life"
"Applying The 'Thresholds of Conversion' to increase effectiveness on Campus"
"Creating an Awesome Family Culture that Overflows into a Thriving Ministry"
Contact: amber.ezeani@gmail.com
Range of stipend: $500-$1,000
Mr. Matt Faley
Title: Former Director of Young Adult and College Campus Ministry in the Archdiocese of Indianapolis
Location: Indianapolis, Indiana
Primary Type of Speaking: Keynotes, Workshops, Retreats
"From Maintenance to Mission" It's Time We Change Our Perception of Prayer
"Who Am I and Where Am I Going?" A Real-Life, How-To Guide to Missionary Discipleship
"Debunking the Five Myths of Sex, Love and Dating"
*Outside of these listed, I can present on anything you may need for your campus, whether it be staff or student focused.
Contact: Matt Faley, matt.faley@gmail.com
Range of stipend: $500 - $1500; flexible depending on specific event and location; willing to work with groups
Fr. Blair Gaynes
Title: Campus Minister, University of Northern Florida
Location: Florida
Primary Type of Speaking: Keynotes, Workshops, Retreats
"The Universal Call to Holiness: The Mystical Way"
"Vocation Discernment: From Which Life Choices Flow"
"Campus Ministry: It's Not About You"
Contact: Katie Gunkle (campuspadre@gmail.com)
Range of stipend: TBD
Mr. Christopher Hanzeli
Title: Director of Institutional Advancement (Western Province of the Dominicans)
Location: Washington State
Primary Type of Speaking: Workshops, Keynotes
"Development 101: A Crash Course in Fundraising Basics"
"Modern Mendicancy: Fundraising in the New Evangelization"
"Steward Your Mission: 5 Strategies to Advance Your Campus Ministry"
Contact: chris@opwest.org
Range of stipend: $250-$500
Mrs. Barbara Humphrey McCrabb
Title: Assistant Director of Higher Education, USCCB
Location: Washington, DC
Primary Type of Speaking: Keynote talks, Retreats, Workshops
"Collaboration and the New Evangelization"
"Empowered Campus Ministry"
"Ex Corde Ecclesiae"
National Study on Catholic Campus Ministry
Landscape of campus ministry
Formation of campus ministers
Student struggles
Contact: bmccrabb@usccb.org
Range of stipend: Fees negotiable
Mr. Marcel LeJeune
Title: Catholic author, speaker, and evangelist
Location: Texas
Primary Type of Speaking: Keynotes, Workshops, Retreats
"The Art of Evangelization and Discipleship"
"Dating in The Hook-up Age"
"Capturing a Vision for Campus Ministry"
Contact: thecatholicevangelist@gmail.com
Range of stipend: $1,000-$2,500
Bishop Michael T. Martin, OFM Conv.
Title: Former Director of the Duke Catholic Center
Location: North Carolina
Primary Type of Speaking: Workshops
"Money follows Mission - Don't be Afraid to Make the Ask"
"It's Who you Know - The Importance of Cultivating University Relationships"
"Count my Sheep or Feed my Sheep - Can We Track Spiritual Growth on Campus?"
Contact: fr.mike@duke.edu
Range of stipend: TBD
Mrs. Mina Martinez
Title: Etiquette Consultant and Trainer. Founder and Chief Etiquette Officer of Prestige Protocol
Location: Southern California
Primary Type of Speaking: Keynotes & Workshops
The Value of Etiquette Education
Life Skills through Etiquette Education
The Art of Business & Dining Etiquette
Contact: info@etiquetteseminars.com
Range of stipend: $1,000 - $2,500
Mrs. Julie McElmurry, M.S., M.A.
Primary Type of Speaking: Keynotes, Talks, Retreats
Title: Director, Franciscan Passages
Location: North Carolina
"The Writings of St. Francis of Assisi and You"
"The Prayer and Hermit side of St. Francis of Assisi"
Contact: Julie McElmurry at info@franciscanpassages.org
Range of Stipend: $250-750
Ms. Katie McKenna
Primary Type of Speaking: Keynote talks, Retreats
Title: Speaker, Author, Professional Fundraiser
Location: New York
"How to Get Run Over By A Truck" (Inspired by Katie's memoir of the same title)
"Big Fear Alleviated by Small Kindnesses: How to Support Friends and Family During Challenging Times"
"How to Make No Your Favorite Word: Turning Rejection into Spiritual Fuel"
Contact: Katie McKenna at katie.c.mckenna@gmail.com (and visit Katie's website here)
Range of Stipend: TBD
Mr. Ken Ogorek
Title: Director of Catechesis/Evangelium Leadership Consultant
Location: Indiana
Primary Type of Speaking: Keynotes, Workshops, Retreats
Struggles with Church Teaching: How to Wrestle with God Authentically
Make of Me What Pleases You: Does God Have a Specific Career in Mind for Me?
How to Be a Leader Who Follows Jesus: Preparing for a Life of Leadership as a Christian
Contact: Ken Ogorek, kogorek@archindy.org
Range of Stipend: $500-1,000
Mr. Ryan O'Hara
Title: Director of Mission Resources, Saint Paul's Outreach
Location: Minnesota
Primary Type of Speaking: Keynotes, Workshops, Retreats
Three Faith Sharing Habits of Intentional Disciples
A 9 Question Approach to Developing and Delivering a Personal Testimony
Advent Retreat: Three Talks on "Jesus the Son, Savior, and Source & Summit"
Lent Retreat: Thee Talks on "The Parable of the Prodigal Son."
Contact: Ryan O'Hara, ryan@spo.org
Range of Stipend: $500-1,000
Mr. Michael J. O'Loughlin
Title: National Correspondent, America Magazine
Location: Illinois
Primary Type of Speaking: Keynotes, Workshops, Moderator, Interviewer
"Unity in Diversity: Chronicling the American Catholic Experience." (Pope Francis repeatedly praises unity, but always with a warning that it cannot be achieved through uniformity. That is, we must be confident in and celebrate what makes us unique but not stamp out unique traits in a misguided journey toward rigid uniformity. As a reporter covering Catholicism in the United States, I witness firsthand the fascinatingly diverse ways Catholics live our faith and I share these experiences with my audience.)
"Sharing Stories of Faith." (Having spent a number of years in both PR and the media, I understand the intricacies of what it takes to craft stories well and to get them in front of audiences. In this talk or workshop, I will help audience members understand how to hone in on their message and then pitch ideas to editors in order to contribute to the wider conversation.)
"Five Years of the Social Media Pope." (From his first interview as pope to his revelatory use of Twitter and his recent TED Talk, Pope Francis connects directly with Catholics, bypassing traditional strictures of church communication. I’ll explain how Pope Francis uses press conferences, social media, and his image to steer the church closer to living out its Gospel values.)
* I am also available to moderate panels and interview other speakers. This format has worked well in other settings.
Contact: mjoloughlin@gmail.com
Range of Stipend: TBD based on event type
Mr. Matthew Pinto
Primary Type of Speaking: Keynotes, Workshops
Title: Former President, Ascension Press
Location: Pennsylvania
"Where We Are Headed: Five Trends that Will Affect Your Parish, Ministry and Personal Faith Walk"
"The Gift of Being Catholic"
"Being Effective Apostles"
Contact: Paula at pkerestus@ascensionpress.com
Range of stipend: $500-$1,000
Mr. Allan Wright
Title: Former Academic Dean for Evangelization (St. Paul Inside the Walls), Adjunct Professor Immaculate Conception Seminary, Author
Location: New Jersey
Primary Type of Speaking: Keynotes, Workshops
"Jesus the Evangelist: Learning How to Share the Faith from the Master Evangelist and Implement an Evangelization Plan"
"25 Life-Changing Questions of Jesus: Bringing People Through a Spiritual Journey Using the Questions of Jesus"
"How to Make Disciples: A Theological and Practical Rationale for Planning"
Contact: Allan@allanwright.org
Range of stipend: $500-$1,000