Welcome Week: Embracing Presence and Setting a Vision for Evangelization

By Rosie Chinea Shawver

Executive Director of the Catholic Campus Ministry Association

Welcome Week is an exciting and pivotal time for any campus ministry. It's a time of new beginnings, fresh faces, and countless opportunities to make meaningful connections. As a Catholic campus minister, these first few weeks are your moments to truly embrace the mission of evangelization and to set a tone that will resonate throughout the academic year. Here are a few tips to help you navigate Welcome Week with purpose, presence, and a clear vision for your ministry.

1. Be Fully Present

In the hustle and bustle of Welcome Week, it's easy to get caught up in logistics and miss the importance of being truly present. Take a step back, breathe, and remember that your presence is a powerful tool for evangelization. When you engage with students, make eye contact, listen intently, and show genuine interest in their stories. This simple act of being fully present can make a lasting impression, helping students feel seen, valued, and welcomed.

2. Remain in the Moment

Welcome Week can be overwhelming, but it's important to remain grounded in the present moment. Don’t worry too much about the events that have yet to happen or the tasks still on your to-do list. Focus on the students in front of you. Whether you’re having a conversation, leading a prayer, or simply sharing a meal, try to be fully engaged in the experience. This mindfulness not only helps you connect better with students, but it also models a Christ-centered way of living - one that prioritizes presence and encounter over productivity.

3. Set a Vision for Evangelization

As you connect with students, begin planting the seeds for your ministry’s vision for the year. Share the mission of your campus ministry, highlighting the importance of evangelization and encounter with our Lord. Encourage students to see their faith as a dynamic and living relationship with Christ, one that they are called to share with others. Whether through personal invitation, small group discussions, or larger events, make it clear that your ministry is a place where students can encounter Christ and be equipped to share His love with the world.

4. Foster an Atmosphere of Encounter

Welcome Week is the perfect time to create an environment where students can encounter Christ in both big and small ways. Whether it’s through daily Mass, adoration, or informal gatherings, make sure there are plenty of opportunities for students to experience the love and mercy of Jesus. Encourage your team to be intentional about creating spaces where students feel comfortable exploring their faith, asking questions, and deepening their relationship with God.

5. Build Relationships, Not Just Events

While it’s important to have a variety of activities planned for Welcome Week, don’t lose sight of the fact that relationships are the heart of your ministry. Use events as a means to connect with students on a deeper level. Follow up with those you meet, invite them to coffee or a meal, and take the time to get to know them personally. By investing in relationships, you’re not only building a community, but you’re also setting the stage for ongoing evangelization and discipleship throughout the year.

6. Pray Without Ceasing

Finally, remember to keep prayer at the center of everything you do during Welcome Week. Pray for the students you meet, for the success of your events, and for the Holy Spirit to guide your efforts. Invite your team and your community to join you in prayer, asking for the Lord’s blessing on your ministry and on the students who will be impacted by it.

Rosie Chinea Shawver